Registration - Northwest Mountain School

Quick and easy online registration form.
Step 1: Confirm Availability or book by phone
Call the office at (509) 548-5823 or send us an e-mail to confirm your preferred date is available. If available, you may reserve your space at this time using a Mastercard or Visa.
Step 2: Complete Online Registration
Step 3: Make Payment
Deposits and Final Payments: All trips require a non-refundable 25% deposit. Full payment is due for domestic programs 60 days in advance of the first day or your programs and 90 days in advance of all international programs. All terms of agreement can be reviewed on the registration and payments pages.
Pre-Trip Information: Once we have received your application and payment we will contact you to let you know that we have received it and we will schedule a guide for your program. At this time we will also send any information needed for your course such as:
- Itinerary and Dates
- Required Equipment
- Equipment Rental Form
- Meet Time and Location
- Directions to Program Start
- Your Guide's Name and Contact Information
- Travel Insurance Information
Registering for Groups: One person may register for an entire group. That individual is responsible for the payment for the entire group. If you are uncertain how many will actually attend we suggest having each person register individually. If a group reservation will be made, our office will still need to collect the appropriate release forms and medical information from each group member in advance of the trip. Feel free to call the office to discuss group reservations.
Collecting paperwork for individuals on a group registration: The easiest way to do this is to have each group member complete the online registration at some point in advance of their trip. It may be easier for some groups to download and print the following form and then return all the forms to our office in advance of the trip:
Trips in National Parks: The National Park Service (NPS) requires additional forms for programs operating in Mount Rainier National Park and North Cascades National Park. These forms must be submitted prior to trips in either of these parks and are included in the pre-trip information for that trip.
- Mt. Rainier National Park Assumption of Risk Form
- North Cascades National Park Assumption of Risk Form
Participants under the age of 18: We welcome minors on most of our programs. Different programs have different minimum ages. All minors will need to have their applications and medical information forms signed by a parent or legal guardian in advance of the trip.
Travel & Cancellation Insurance: We suggest you purchase travel insurance for your trip. For information, please visit our Travel and Cancellation Insurance page ยป
Refund Policy: Our refund policy takes into consideration the guide's time and the fact that we have a limited number of spaces on any given program. When possible we try to be flexible, but we cannot be responsible for scheduling conflicts, training injuries, work related issues, and other obligations that may prevent an individual from attending a program. We are always happy to discuss our refund policies in advance of registration.
- All trip deposits and final payments are non-refundable.
- Rockclimbing program refund policy. If it is too wet to climb on the day of your rock climbing trip, you will be offered the opportunity to reschedule. This determination is made by the office, generally on the morning of your course. If the weather forecast looks particularly grim, we will contact you in advance to suggest a reschedule. If your program is rained out mid-day, we generally cannot reschedule as the guide will still need to be paid.
- For other specifics relating to refunds please call or e-mail the office and have a look at our Terms of Agreement.