Der Klettergarten - Leavenworth's Annual Bouldering Comp
Join the fun for a low-key, team bouldering competition with solid prizes in the world-class bouldering or Leavenworth's Icicle Creek Canyon. Competition takes place May 7, 2016 from 9 am - 4 pm. Cost is $50 for a team of 3.

Entry Fee - Der Klettergarten:
The cost to participate is $50/team. All entrance money will be split by the Leavenworth Mountain Association and the American Alpine Club to be used to protect the interests of us climbers and the regional areas where we love to climb.Rules/Format:
- Each team must have three members. Gender is irrelevant. Male, female, and mixed gender teams are all welcome.
- Your team V score is a cumulative score based on problems that all three team members have sent. All team members must send the same problems and if it is a V2, for example, your team score will get two V points.
- Choose the appropriate division. The divisions are based on difficulty. To keep things simple, do not score climbs outside of your chosen division. There is no glory for sand baggers. Sign up for the category your team belongs in. See “Divisions” for more details.
- Score climbing from 9am-4pm ONLY. Be honest about your score.
- To keep things fair, only problems published in Kelly Sheridan’s “Leavenworth Bouldering” guide are included in this event. Leavenworth Bouldering will also be used to calculate the V score for each problem.
- All problems can only be counted once towards your team’s V score. No lapping.
- Problems listed in the guide as “projects,” with no V rating, will not be counted. Sorry.
- V0’s count as .5 points.
- We will be awarding prizes for “mystery categories” using scorecard metrics. Participation will dictate the number of these impromptu categories.
- V0-V2
- V2-V4
How the competition works
- Register: You will need to register as a team for the event. We are encouraging teams to Pre-register here.
- Check-in at the Northwest Mountain School booth in the Bruce's Boulder/Barney's Rubble parking lot on Saturday morning. Registration opens at 8 am, competition begins at 9 am. At check-in you will be given a scorecard and a copy of the rules. Bring at least one copy of Kelly Sheridan's book, Leavenworth Bouldering, as this will be the bible for allowed routes.
- Start Climbing and see what you team can do using the above guidelines. Comp hours are from 9 am - 4 pm.
- Turn in your Scorecard. Turn in your scorecard at the Leavenworth Mountain Association's booth at Fromm's field after 4 pm. Scores will be tallied starting at 5 pm and winners announced at 6 pm.
- Bask in glory: Winners will get great prizes and everyone else will be entered in the Rockfest Raffle.